We all have things that inspire us. For me, it is nature and of course, you all know how I feel about rocks right? As I write this, I’m sitting outside my camper in Buffalo, Wyoming. I love this town for many reasons. It is small and friendly and comfortable and beautiful! There’s no traffic and Clear Creek runs right through the middle of town. The fishing is amazing around here and the downtown is awesome! Crazy Woman Canyon is breathtaking and the Big Horn mountains are spectacular. Getting away from home and enjoying the outdoors truly inspires me because I see colors and wild animals and wide open spaces and I know that when I get home to my shop, I’ll be rejuvenated! Get outside, go on a hike, go camping and it will do the same for you! Drop me a line and let me know what inspires you. I’d love to hear from you.
What are your inspirations?
Updated: Jul 11, 2021